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Bromham Benefice

Anglican Churches of Bromham, Oakley and Stagsden


Teas in Church Summer Season
every Sunday St Mary’s Oakley

Teas in Church is held every Sunday over the summer, 3.30pm- 5pm in St Mary’s church Oakley. You are assured of a warm (or cool, depending on the weather!) welcome and delicious refreshments for a small donation. Contactless payment now accepted. Please come down and support your local church.

Coffee Morning ‘First Fridays’- Fri 2nd August

Our next regular Coffee Morning will be on Fri 2nd August 11am- 1pm in the Fellowship Room at St Owen’s, Bromham. All monies raised will go towards the upkeep of the church and all are welcome!

Fellowship Bring and Share Lunch Sun 4th Aug

Fellowship lunches are held every month on 1st Sunday either in the Fellowship Room, St Owen’s, Bromham, or in someone’s home. All are welcome. Our next lunch is Sunday 4th August, St Owen’s Fellowship Room, Bromham from 12.30pm. Bring a plate of food to share.

More information from Vivien Butler on vivien.butler@virginmedia.com

Wild Church-Next Date Sunday 4th August 4pm

Wild Church is moving to a new date and time slot. On the first Sunday of every month we will meet at 4pm in the woods at the Leslie Sell Activity Centre, Molivers Lane, Bromham. This outdoor worship is held whatever the weather and is especially suitable for families.

Sewing and Craft Group Weds 7th August

For those who would like to come along with their hand sewing, knitting or crochet and craft with fellowship our group next meets on 7th August 2-4pm in St Owen’s Fellowship Room. Please contact Frances on 01234 602718 or francesbulmer@btinternet.com if you are interested in coming along. £2 per session, refreshments included.

Link Up- a regular group to provide fellowship 15th August

Meeting on the second Thursday of the month this group provides activities, talks, outings and companionship. All are welcome but it is especially aimed at those living alone. Our next meeting will be on Thurs 15th August at 2.30pm in St Owen’s Fellowship Room when we will be joined by our local PCSO for a talk about security. Please contact Tessa Woodcock at trelydan@me.com for more information.