Logo for Bromham Benefice

Bromham Benefice

Anglican Churches of Bromham, Oakley and Stagsden

St Owen's Church, Bromham
St Owen's Bromham
St Mary's Oakley
St Mary's Oakley
St Leonard's Stagsden
St Leonard's Stagsden

Bromham Benefice:
Bromham, Oakley and Stagsden Churches Welcome You

Welcome to Bromham Benefice website!

Vicar: The Rev Catherine Wilson

The Benefice is made up of three rural parishes to the west of Bedford – Bromham, Oakley and Stagsden. Our three beautiful and ancient churches have been part of their communities for hundreds of years, and continue to provide a focus for Christian worship, growth and outreach.

We would love to welcome you to any of our services or events, so do come and get to know us; and please get in touch if you need more information about anything on this website, or you have a specific question.

If you wish to visit one of our churches outside service times please contact the relevant churchwarden or our Administrator who can arrange access (all churches are kept locked), please see our Who’s Who page for contact details.

Services in the next two weeks

We welcome people from all our villages to each service: we join together as one congregation, travelling to worship in different church buildings. Our 10.30am service is live-streamed most Sundays via Zoom. Visit the Services page for more information about services in church and also for the Zoom link and phone numbers.

Sun July 28th
9.00am Holy Communion – St Owen’s Bromham
10.30am Holy Communion- St Mary’s Oakley*
4.30pm Songs of Praise- St Leonard’s Stagsden (church open from 3pm for refreshments)

Sun Aug 4th
9.00am Holy Communion- St Mary’s Oakley
10.30am Holy Communion- St Owen’s Bromham*
4.30pm Wild Church- Leslie Sell Activity Centre, Molivers Lane, Bromham

Tues August 6th
11.30am Holy Communion – St Owen’s Bromham, followed by a light lunch

*these services are live streamed


We take the care and well-being of all our members very seriously. Our benefice safeguarding co-ordinator is Judith Denyer and she can be reached on safeguarding@bromhambenefice.org or 07981 928522.

Read our Benefice Safeguarding statement.

Read our privacy policy

St Leonard's Open Church and Songs of Praise

On Sunday 28th July St Leonard’s in Stagsden will be open from 3pm for refreshments and visitors, this will be followed by a Songs of Praise service at 4.30pm, please do join us. All are welcome!